Mar 10, 2009 13:03
Just learned that the property manager had put up a complaint to the area manager. It's about me not topping up the drinks in the fridge.
*is speechless*
I have a junior sec. - obviously she's not helping.
Obviously the property manager needs a kick in the balls.
crappy a**hole bosses and colleagues
Jan 20, 2009 08:58
Had a meeting with GC and ASY concerning my goals for Yr 2009.
And there we have a classic case of WW taking advantage of the fact of the economic slowdown to dump more work on us.
The whole meeting had been a joke. Was hard pressed not to shake my head and start sniggering.
crappy a**hole bosses and colleagues
Apr 19, 2007 21:19
Learned that whatever I've been doing has not be recognized nor appreciated. And I have to hear straight from Jenny from Finance's mouth.
Am so very furious. Bastard of a building manager isn't doing anything nor helping. Am putting this entry down so I'll know what to bring up during appraisal time. He's so gonna get it. Take about no
job appraisals,
crappy a**hole bosses and colleagues